
Schedule an Instrument
The UW-Madison Optical Imaging Core handles reservations through the iLabs interface. To schedule, you must have an approved account associated with your lab. First time users please see the information below for instructions on how to register and schedule first-use training for our instruments.

Please see our Policies page for information on eligibility, billing, and other topics.

New Users
Please navigate to the iLabs website and click on ‘Register’ in the upper right-hand corner.

  • UW users: Click on ‘Register using UW credentials’ and log in with your NetID information and complete the registration process
  • External/Industry users: Click on ‘Register for an iLab account’ and complete the registration process.

Once your account has been created email Lance Rodenkirch to request access to the microscope calendars. Once approved reservations can be made by following the instructions provided on iLabs.

Returning Users 
Log in to iLabs
Place your instrument reservation as usual.