
Leica SP8 3X STED Confocal/Super-Resolution Microscope

$30/hour ($90/hr for industry users)

Room: 2074 WIMR2

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Manufacturer Info

The SP8 is both a point scanning confocal and 3X STED super-resolution microscope. The SP8 includes a super-continuum white-light laser for fluorescent excitation from 470 to 670 nm, a separate 405 nm diode laser, and 3 depletion lasers (592 nm/660 nm/775 nm) for performing 3 color super-resolution STED imaging. The unit is equipped with 3 PMTs and 2 highly sensitive HyD detectors for image collection. Additional features include a motorized stage, resonant scanner, fluorescence spectral detection and a super Z piezo stage/Tokei Hit insert for live cell imaging. Objective lens: 10x, 20x, 40x, 63x, 63xWi and 100x.

wdt_ID Magnification Type Immersion NA Working Distance
1 10x PLAN APO Dry 0.4 2.2mm
2 20x PLAN APO Dry 0.75 0.62mm
3 40x PLAN APO Oil 1.3 0.24mm
6 63x PLAN APO Oil 1.4 0.14mm
7 100x PLAN APO Oil 1.4 0.1mm
8 63X PLAN APO water 1.2 .3 mm

Nikon AXR Confocal Microscope

$30/hour ($90/hr for industry users)

Room: 2075 WIMR2

The UWOIC asks that publications benefitting from the use of the Nikon AX credit the grant number 1S10O34394-01.

Please reference the AXR SIG NIH award number “S10OD034394-01” into your NCBI/PubMed account.

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Manufacturer Info

The AXR is an inverted point scanning confocal microscopy system with eight excitation laser lines: 405 nm, 440nm, 488 nm, 514nm, 561 nm, 594nm, 640nm and 735nm. Additional features include high sensitivity GaAsP detectors, a resonant scanner, and a Tokei Hit enclosure for live cell imaging. Objective lens:2x, 10x, 20x, 40x dry, 40x oil, and 60x oil.

wdt_ID Magnification Type Immersion NA Working Distance
1 2x PLAN APO Lambda D Dry 0.1 8.5 mm
2 20x PLAN APO Lambda D Dry 0.8 0.8 mm
3 10x PLAN APO Lambda D Dry .45 4 mm
4 40x PLAN APO Lambda D dry 0.95 .25
7 40x PLAN Fluor Lambda D Oil 1.3 .2 mm
8 60x PLAN APO Lambda D Oil 1.42 .13

Nikon A1R  Confocal Microscope

$30/hour ($90/hr for industry users)

Room: 2073 WIMR2

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Nikon A1R inverted Ti2 microscope equipped with 4 excitation laser lines (405nm, 488nm, 561nm, and 638nm) for confocal imaging.  ** Confocal fluorescence only (no transmitted light capabilities)


wdt_ID Magnification Type Immersion NA Working Distance
2 4x PLAN APO Dry 0.20 20 mm
3 10x PLAN APO Dry 0.45 4.0 mm
4 20x Plan Apo dry 0.80 1 mm
6 40x Plan Apo Oil 1.3 .250 mm
7 60x Plan Apo Oil 1.4 .130 mm
8 60x Plan Apo water 1.2 .3 mm

Nikon Yokogawa W1 CSU Spinning Disk Confocal Microscope

$30/hour ($90/hr for industry users)

Room: 2072 WIMR2

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Manufacturer Info

Blue/Green/Red/Far Red filter sets for 4 color spinning disk confocal microscopy. The Yokogawa CSU-W1 is the standard tool for live cell imaging due to its fast scanning and low photo-bleaching capability. The W1 provides a wider field of view as compared to previous spinning disk confocal microscopes and uses 2 Hamamatsu Quest cameras. The system includes a motorized stage, generation 4 Perfect Focus System and Tokei Hit enclosure for live cell imaging. Objective lens: 10x, 20x, 40x, 60X and 100x.

wdt_ID Magnification Type Immersion NA Working Distance
1 4x Plan Apo Dry .2 20
2 10x Plan Apo Dry .45 10mm
3 20x Plan Apo Dry 0.8 .8
4 40x Plan Apo dry .95 0.25
5 60x Plan Apo Oil 1.4 .130 mm
6 100x Plan Apo Oil 1.4 0.09 mm

Bruker Ultima Multi-Photon Microscope

Room 2076WIMR2

Inverted and Upright Platforms

16x, 25x, 40x Wi objectives

Coherent Discovery 2 Photon laser with 680-1300nm range


This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

3i Lattice Light Sheet

3i Lattice Light Sheet

Room 9001WIMR2

Slidebook software


Laser sources 488, 561 and 640nm